Instrument protective cover: How to sterilize laparoscopy

Editor of this website :Hangzhou Xinhao Medical Technology Co., Ltd
Release date :2017-05-19 17:35
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The medical instruments in the operating room need to undergo strict sterilization before they can be put back into use. For example, common laparoscopes require sterilization. However, due to the different functions of laparoscopic components, different sterilization methods will also be adopted. In general, we will adopt the following four sterilization methods for laparoscopy:
1、 High pressure steam sterilization
All laparoscopic surgical instruments that can be sterilized under high pressure should use the high-pressure sterilization method.
2、 Ethylene oxide
Ethylene oxide has strong bactericidal power, is widely used, does not damage items, and has strong penetration. Endoscopic lenses, cameras, light source beams, electrocoagulation wires, etc. that are not suitable for high-pressure steam sterilization can be sterilized using this method.
3、 Soaking with 2% glutaraldehyde
Used for soaking sterilization of endoscopic instruments, it needs to be soaked for 10 hours. When soaking, the joints of the instrument should be opened, and the lumen should be filled with soaking solution. Before use, the remaining medication should be repeatedly rinsed with sterile water.
4、 Medical sterilizer sterilization
Medical sterilizers are common sterilization equipment in hospitals, which can not only be used for laparoscopic sterilization, but also for other medical equipment. More importantly, sterilization is very fast and convenient.
The above are four common laparoscopic sterilization methods. If you have other better sterilization methods, please feel free to add them.