Precautions for using microscope sleeves

Editor of this website :Hangzhou Xinhao Medical Technology Co., Ltd
Release date :2017-02-10 00:00
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Microscope sleeve The protective effect of a microscope is important because it mainly relies on the lens for operation. Therefore, special attention should be paid during use, especially when used in medical applications, to avoid friction between the lens and other instruments.


The precautions for using the microscope cover are as follows:

1. During the surgery, if the surgical instrument touches the lens of the protective cover lens, do not wipe the lens to prevent affecting its transparency;

2. Microscopes should be protected from vibration and impact, and the operating room should be fixed to avoid repeated movement. When installing a microscope protective cover, two people must operate simultaneously and follow the sterile item operation manual;

3. After use, regularly wipe the surface of the lens with degreased cotton dipped in anhydrous alcohol to keep it clean. Cover the microscope with a protective cover to keep the optical system clean.

Please use the microscope cover as required to extend the lifespan of the microscope and make it work better for you!