What if the microscope is not properly protected

Editor of this website :Hangzhou Xinhao Medical Technology Co., Ltd
Release date :2016-09-11 10:52
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Microscope is a precision optical instrument that is generally expensive. Structurally, a microscope consists of many optical components and more precise metal parts, and special attention should be paid to maintenance work. It should be used when not in use Microscope sleeve Protect it.


When using a microscope, it is necessary to strictly follow the relevant operating rules to avoid damage caused by improper use. During the storage and use of microscopes, there is a common problem of mold and fog, which can cause blurring of the microscope’s field of view and a decrease in resolution. In order to maintain the microscope in good working condition and extend its service life, the working environment of the microscope should be kept clean, dry, and dust-proof. After cleaning, the microscope cover should be used.

Microscopes should be cleaned promptly after each use, especially optical components such as eyepieces and objective lenses that are prone to contamination. If dust, fingerprints, dirt, etc. are found on the surface, they should be cleaned with lens paper in a timely manner. It would be even better if the microscope studio could be equipped with air conditioning, dehumidification, and dust prevention devices.

How can a microscope, such a precise instrument, be protected without a microscope cover!