The usage method of iodophor medical surgical membrane

Editor of this website :Hangzhou Xinhao Medical Technology Co., Ltd
Release date :2018-03-13 14:25
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Medical surgical membrane There are many strict requirements for the use of iodine. Taking iodine medical surgical film as an example, we will introduce the usage method of iodine medical surgical film to everyone.

Clean the surgical area, disinfect the skin, and choose a suitable specification of sterile surgical film;

Secondly, tear open the packaging bag and take out the surgical film;


Then, unfold the surgical membrane flat, remove the release paper, and stick the surgery above the surgical incision position;

Next, smooth the film from the middle to all sides, making it completely in contact with the skin without leaving any bubbles;

After comparison, you can directly perform an incision on the surgical membrane. After the surgery, gently remove the surgical membrane on both sides to suture.

The usage method of iodophor medical surgical membrane is like this. If you have any questions, you can contact us at Xinhao Medical for consultation.