The application of San Fu Tie requires attention and should

Editor of this website :Hangzhou Xinhao Medical Technology Co., Ltd
Release date :2019-01-24 11:43
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San Fu Tie, also known as winter disease summer treatment acupoint application, refers to an external treatment method of treating and preventing diseases by applying medication to certain acupoints in the human body during the summer San Fu days, also known as "Tian Mo".

What are the indications for San Fu Tie?

& Nbsp& Nbsp& Nbsp& Nbsp; Respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic pharyngitis, etc. can also be treated. Gynecological diseases: dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, metrorrhagia, etc. Pediatric diseases: Enuresis, chancre, and convulsions in children.

Deficiency cold diseases: spleen deficiency, stomach pain, chronic diarrhea, rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Painful diseases: neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain, muscle strain, degenerative arthritis, etc. Physical deficiency: fear of cold, recurrent colds, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.

So, when is the best time for the three fold patch? According to Hang Yan, "Fu" marks a relatively hot period of the year. Every summer, on the first, middle, and last days of the lunar three Fu days, patches are applied the day before (if the period is 20 days, an additional patch can be applied every 10 days). During the dog days, patches can also be applied, with an interval of 7-10 days between every two patches.

Generally, applying for 3 years is a course of treatment. After the course of treatment, patients can continue to apply patches to consolidate or improve the therapeutic effect.

However, San Fu Tie is not randomly applied, and there are also some areas that need to be noted. Dr. Wei Yunxia from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine explained that for the applied medicine, it should be firmly fixed to prevent displacement or detachment. Secondly, those who have blisters on the application site of the medication should pay attention to local prevention of infection. In addition, during the treatment period, avoid eating raw and cold, seafood, and spicy and stimulating foods. Those who are seriously ill, weak, or thin should pay close attention to any adverse reactions during the application period. To maintain continuity and adhere to a fixed course of treatment.

Eating a light diet: Dietary adjustments mainly focus on clearing the heart and preventing heatstroke, nourishing yin and generating fluids, and should not overeat fatty, sweet, and thick flavors. Mung beans, lotus seeds, Job’s tears, vegetables, fruits and melons, lilies, jade bamboo, lean meat, eels, duck meat, etc. are more suitable.

And for those who have skin wounds, skin ulcers, or skin infections in certain application areas; Individuals who are allergic to medication or dressings; Individuals with severe scar constitution; Pregnant women; AIDS, tuberculosis or other infectious diseases; Patients with poor blood sugar control, including blood diseases, malignant hypertension, severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, bronchiectasis, and malignant tumors; During the acute or worsening period of the condition; These people are less likely to apply during certain time periods.