Ophthalmic surgical membrane

Editor of this website :Hangzhou Xinhao Medical Technology Co., Ltd
Release date :2022-01-18 17:25
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It is difficult to maintain sterility on the surface of the eye during ophthalmic surgery, and the consequences of infection during ophthalmic surgery can be quite serious for patients.

During ophthalmic surgery, it is difficult to keep the local surface absolutely sterile, and once ophthalmic surgery is affected, the sequences to patients are required for a period

So special attention should be paid to potential factors that may cause infection, such as dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, overall condition, hygiene, etc.

Therefore, we should pay special attention to the potential factors that may cause infection, such as dacryocystis, conjunctivitis, opacity, general state, hypergene, etc

For surgeons, in addition to superb surgical techniques, strict aseptic procedures are very important.

For the operator, in addition to exit surgical techniques, strict basic operation is very important

Among them, surgical film application is a crucial step at the beginning of surgery.

Among them, surgical film is a key step in the beginning of surgery

When applying the film, use a cotton swab to dry the tears around the eyelid margin, so that the film can be better applied. Do not directly contact the surgical field with your fingers;

When applying the film, wire the teams around the eye margin with a cotton swab so that the film can be applied better Do not directly contact the operation field with your fingers;

The plastic film should be firmly adhered to the eyelids, eyelashes, and surrounding skin around the eye area to prevent liquid from entering the film and reduce the chance of contamination in the surgical field;

The plastic film should firmly adhere to the eye, including eyelashes and surrounding skin around the eye area to avoid liquid entering under the film and reduce the chance of contamination of the operation field;

When opening the eyelid with a eyelid opener, the film should wrap around the eyelid margin and eyelashes to prevent secretions from the meibomian gland from entering the conjunctival sac;

When the eye opener is used to open the eye, the film shall be wrapped around the eye margin and eyelashes to avoid the secret of meibian gland from entering the conjunctival sac;

When laying towels, move gently to avoid cotton fluff and particles flying in the air;

When laying the towel, move gently to avoid the flying of cotton washing and particles in the air;

After laying the towel, leave enough breathing space for the patient, and if necessary, inhale oxygen;

After laying the towel, leave enough breaking space for the patient and take oxygen if necessary;

The sterile disposable surgical towel with its own film has the advantages of convenient use, no cotton wool, no need for manual cleaning, sterilization, etc., and can be promoted for use.

Aspeptic disposal surgical towel with film has the advantages of conventional use, no cotton wadding, no manual cleaning and sterilization, and can be popularized