Why do we have to use pathological specimen bags

Editor of this website :Hangzhou Xinhao Medical Technology Co., Ltd
Release date :2015-01-08 19:03
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In modern medicine, the use of Pathological specimen bag It has become increasingly necessary. Why is this? Why do pathological specimen bags have to be used? What benefits can it bring us?
病理标本袋 We need to have a deep understanding of the relevant characteristics of pathological specimen bags, such as the materials used, specifications, structure, and so on. Pathological specimen bags are made of plastic and generally come in five sizes: large, medium, and small. The bag opening is sealed tightly and a label is attached to the outside of the bag.
When using a pathology specimen bag, we first put the pathology specimen into a suitable bag, fill it with specimen fixative, seal the sealing port, and indicate the patient’s name, pathology application form serial number, hospitalization number, and specimen name on the label outside the bag. The pathology application form is then sent to the pathology department for examination.
Pathological specimen bag The labels are very clear and the packaging is standardized, which can prevent many unnecessary medical accidents and promote unity, cooperation, and coordination between the operating room and the pathology department.
Therefore, we can see that the use of pathological specimen bags is very necessary, and specimen management is very important in the operating room. In the past, surgical specimens were usually placed in discarded plastic bags or empty bottles, marked on the bags, and sent to the pathology department for pathological examination.
Due to unclear labels and non-standard packaging, specimen loss and errors often occur. In addition, due to poor sealing of the bag opening and careless transportation, the specimen fixing solution may tip over, resulting in specimen denaturation and pollution of the surrounding environment, causing many conflicts between the operating room and the pathology department. Therefore, hospitals use disposable specimen bags for storing specimens, which have been clinically used and have shown good results.
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